HAT – the award-winning woolly spectacular

Ian McMillan © Tony Bartholomew

From the W.I. to the avant garde,
a performance of words, music and knitting..

HAT is four new stories about wool and knitting written and performed by poet and BBC Radio 3 presenter Ian McMillan with music composed and performed by Billy Jenkins. Featuring Andy Diagram (ex James) on cornet, loops and samples and Angie Harrison (ex Hallé orchestra) on viola and knitting needles.

Conceived and produced by Simon Thackray.

“brilliant flashes of individual inspiration – for sheer originality you have to take your hat off to them. Try and catch the final performance of this uncompromising one-off.” Guardian “Shear pleasure” YEP

Sponsored by Sirdar

Audience Invitiation
You are welcome to knit throughout the performance

Tickets include a FREE ball of wool, needles and HAT pattern.
FREE knitting class led by Sirdar knitters 6.30pm
HAT was performed at the Viaduct Theatre, Halifax, Sir Jack Lyon’s Concert Hall, York, Live Theatre, Newcastle, Helmsley Arts Centre, Everyman Palace Theatre, Cork and Union Chapel and Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

Knitted Elvis Wigs – brainchild of Simon Thackray, designed by Sirdar.

Read: Ian McMillan’s Wool Facts

Simon Thackray“performs miracles from his eyrie” Yorkshire Post
The Shed Gigs Booking Now“The smallest show on earth” Guardian
Hat – the original knitting performance
Knitted Elvis Wigs – Vogue Knitting and No.1 on Google!
The Fish & Chip Van Tour – on the Richard and Judy Show
The Yorkshire Pudding Boat Race – Big Breakfast to Sky News
North Yorkshire Elvis Bus Tour – Afternoon Play on Radio 4
Mrs Boyes’ Bingo – featuring Mark Sanders
The Shed Comes To Townand Malton comes to life!